Pillow Friend Velvet Orange Vase Violet 2
Art.No: P22_2ov
Artwork Singelpiece Pillowcase
inkl Certificate of Origin
Background 100% Polyester (thick velvet)
Vase 50% linen 50% polyester
leaf elements 100% linen
piping 100% cotton
green balls 100% wool
red balls 100% polyester
cords 100% recycled polyester
label 100% unbleached cotton
remaining materials mixed fibers
Made for a pillow size 50x50cm. Closure snaps metal silver.
My pillow cases are intricately embroidered and appliqued. Here, the design is in the first place. Each resulting image on a pillow is processed until a balanced bouquet is created.All images are personally designed by me and implemented in Berlin. Each pillow is and remains an individual piece, I design each bouquet separately, only the flower elements are repeated. They depict a vase with a lively bouquet of flowers. Through the three-dimensional elements, my pillows enliven any living oasis and thus let the room shine lively and colorful.
For my pillows I work in the zero waste process. It is generally important to me to combine sustainable solutions with my art. Through my very small detailed design I have the possibility to use 100% of the purchased materials.
I purchase material and fabrics for the paintings through Berlin suppliers.
ATTENTION Small parts on the pillows are always sewn on with great care, but can be torn off and swallowed.
Hintergrund 100% Polyester (schwere Samt Qualität)
Vase 100% Leinen
Blattelemente 100% Leinen
Paspelbänder 100% Baumwolle
grüne Kugeln 100% Wolle
rote Kugeln 100% Polyester
Kordeln 100% recyceltes Polyester
Label 100% ungebleichte Baumwolle
restliche Materialien gemischte Fasern
Hergestellt für ein Kissen in der Größe 50x50cm. Verschluss Druckknöpfe Metall Silber.
Meine Kissenhüllen sind aufwendig bestickt und appliziert. Hierbei steht das Design an erster Stelle. Jedes entstandene Bild auf einem Kissen wird solange bearbeitet, bis ein ausgewogener Strauß entstanden ist.
Alle Bilder sind von mir persönlich designt und umgesetzt in Berlin. Jedes Kissen ist und bleibt ein Einzelteil, ich designe jeden Blumenstrauß separat, lediglich die Blumenelemente wiederholen sich. Sie bilden eine Vase mit einem lebendigem Blumenstrauß ab. Durch die dreidimensionalen Elemente beleben meine Kissen jede Wohnoase und lassen somit den Raum lebendig und farbenfroh erstrahlen.
Bei meinen Kissen arbeite ich im Zero Waste Verfahren. Mir ist allgemein wichtig nachhaltige Lösungen mit meiner Kunst zu kombinieren. Durch mein sehr kleinteiliges detailliertes Design habe ich die Möglichkeit, von den eingekauften Materialien 100% zu verwenden.
Material und Stoffe für die Bilder beziehe ich über Berliner Anbieter.
ACHTUNG Kleinteile an den Kissen sind zwar immer mit großer Sorgfalt angenäht, können aber abgerissen und verschluckt werden.
Paracord for lines and patterns
There are various lines on my birds, these are partially* made from recycled paracord. It is a strong polyester rope made from 100% recycled PET bottles. This newly developed polyester fiber is called rPET (recycled PET). The technical properties of the recycled polyester are comparable to those of a "normal" polyester rope. The result is a colorful flexible rope with a soft feel and a luxurious look.
*Unfortunately, I can't find all rope colors in recycled quality so far, but I continue to research and will be able to work with new suppliers again in upcoming editions.
The "new" purchased tapes are high quality spun polyester. Have a nice look and offer high quality.
Vegan leather
Vegan materials are considered sustainable and environmentally friendly, and so is the alternative to leather. In addition, there is no animal suffering in the manufacturing process. In addition, even bone glue is completely eliminated in the production of vegan leather.
Linen is a natural fiber obtained from the flax plant.
Due to its domestic cultivation, it is considered a sustainable raw material, because the plant is undemanding and can be easily cultivated. Long transport routes are therefore unnecessary.
Linen has a very nice feel, is ecologically degradable and has been a high-quality material for thousands of years.
Pillow Friend Velvet Orange Vase Violet 2